Enjoy the Brilliant Chess of King Vishy, with AI Explanations By DecodeChess

As Vishy Anand celebrates his 50th birthday, our team collected some of his signature games, highlighted inspirational moves, and accompanied them with explanations generated by our AI algorithms. Enjoy!

Game 1: Ivanchuk-Anand (Linares, 1992)

Notable move: 20…Bc4

As Magnus Carlsen said, “this is not an anti-positional move, it shows wonderful understanding of the game.”

The idea is to recognize white’s imminent threat of h3. Here’s how our Idea-Problem-Solution framework helps identify that threat:

FEN you can copy-paste into the Import option on DecodeChess:

1r2k2r/4bp2/p2pbp2/1p2p3/4P1P1/P3B3/1PPR3P/1K3BR1 b k – 0 20

Game on chessgames.com

Game 2: Anand-Kamsky (Classical World Chess Championship, 1995)

Notable move: 26.Nd1

Anand-Kamsky-26.Nd1 Anand-Kamsky-26.Nd1-explained

20…Nd1 allowed Anand to continue preventing Ng5 and also enabled Nc3, the star move of the game.

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess:

2r1r1k1/1b2qp1n/3p2p1/1ppP3p/1n2P3/1P2NN1P/3Q1PP1/RB2R1K1 w – – 0 26

This game is also available via our Examples folder in the app.

Game 3: Anand-Gelfand (Wijk aan Zee, 1996)

Notable move: 21.Nxe6

Anand-Gelfand-21.Nxe6 Anand-Gelfand-21.Nxe6-explained

Gelfand fell into the trap and captured the knight with the pawn. A series of exchanges left Anand with the queen, bishop and rook,and Gelfand resigned on move 25.

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess: r1b2rk1/1p2qp2/p3pbn1/2p2RN1/8/1B1P2Q1/PPP3PP/4R2K w – – 5 21

This game on chessgames.com

Game 4: Anand-Caruana (Sinquefield Cup, 2017)

Notable move: 26.Qd4

Anand-caruana-26.Qd4 Anand-caruana-26.Qd4-explained

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess:

3r4/p4Pkp/2p5/1p2r2q/1P4b1/2QP2P1/P1R4P/5RK1 w – – 2 26

This game on chessgames.com

Game 5: Anand-Kasparov ( PCA World Championship Match, 1995)

Notable move: 27.Rd5

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess: r3rbk1/1p3ppp/1B2qn2/PQ2p3/2P1P3/5B1P/6P1/1R1R3K w – – 1 27

This game on chessgames.com

Game 6: Kramnik-Anand, 2008

Notable move: 34…Ne3

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess: 8/1R3p1p/4pk2/8/PP3pn1/8/5PPP/2r2BK1 b – – 2 34

This game on chessgames.com

Game 7: Aronian-Anand wijk Aan Zee 2013

Notable move: 15…Bc5

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess: 2rq1rk1/pb1n1ppN/3bp3/1p6/3P1Pn1/P1NB4/1PQ3PP/R1B2RK1 b – – 0 15

This game on chessgames.com

Game 8: Anand-Beliavsky,  1993

 Notable move: 20.Ndxe6

FEN you can paste into the Import option on DecodeChess: r3kb1r/1b1n1pp1/p3p3/8/1p1NnN1q/4B2B/PPP5/2KRQ2R w kq – 2 20

Notable move: 26.Qd4

This game on chessgames.com