The Best Chess Analysis Software, Now On Your Smartphone

It took us too long, we admit. But from now on, you can enjoy DecodeChess on your mobile device! No need to download anything, simply log in to your account and start Decoding!

DecodeChess preview on an Apple’s iPhone 6

What’s on Mobile and What’s Not?

Most of DecodeChess’ features are still available on a small screen. However, due to the real-estate limitations,  you won’t be able to access the rich tab system (Threats, Good Moves, Plans, Functionality, Concepts). Instead, you will have access to the Summary area, which displays the explanation of the best line, and the great Opponent Intentions and Pay Attention to expandable areas.

Chess Analysis on the Go – Pros and Cons

Firstly, we would like to stress that for an optimal chess analysis experience, always strive to access DecodeChess from a large screen. Simply, because the information provided in the rich tab system is very important and detailed and that’s the part that’s not showing up on your mobile device.

Having said that, one of the best modes of practice and chess analysis on DecodeChess is the human-like computer opponent. This feature becomes a great way to pass along some time on your commute to work, or when at the park. Simply choose the Play option, start playing against the human-like opponent, and press Decode whenever you arrive at a position of interest. This way you play and learn at the same time.

Best chess analysis on your smartphone - DecodeChess

DecodeChess in action, in Landscape mode on a OnePlus 3T. Decode as you play against our human-like computer opponent.